Friday, March 6, 2015

Peek At The Week

What a fast week! I'm so thankful we had a full week to get right back to learning and fun!

Here are some of the things we did:

In Math: 
  • Practiced solving 2 part questions using addition and subtraction
  • Took 2 timed facts tests and our Topic 9 test
  •  Began Topic 10 on place value up to 1,000
  • Practiced place value using hundreds, tens, and ones mentally and with manipulatives
  • Played a game with a partner practicing tens and ones
  • Wrote and solved number riddles

In Social Studies and Writing:
  • Researched facts using books about our individual continent 
  • Went to the computer lab to do research
  • Finalized the facts we want to include in our final reports
In Fundations and Reading:

  • Worked on the sounds of /e/ There are 6 sounds! 
  • Played trick words using gel boards and relay
  • Learned new vocabulary heal and speech
  • Learned about Homophones using Brain Pop Jr. and practiced words
  • Read Lionel and Amelia and A Friend Like Ed. They are both stories about mice who are best friends.  Used a Venn Diagram to compare both stories. They loved both!

Thank you so much for all the kitchen gadgets! We are still in need of items such as pans, pots, spatulas, tongs, etc. They are due on Friday, March 13th!

Check the Backpack Folders for information about The Toast to Memorial Event too! It's fun! I hope to see you there! :)

Have a great weekend! 

-Mrs. Farrand :)