Friday, February 27, 2015

Peek At The Week

What a fast week! I'm so thankful we had a full week to get right back to learning and fun!

Here are some of the things we did:

In Math: 
  • Practiced regrouping using 2 digit numbers on top and bottom
  • Used the number line to subtract
  • Checked subtraction using addition
  • Discussed ways to subtract such as mental math and paper and pencil

In Social Studies and Writing:
  • Revised our facts and created our class book on North America
  • Added illustrations, captions, and labels to make it great
  • Began what we think we know about our assigned continent for the next research report 
  • Wrote a friendly letter about our week using leader/follower
  • Learned about Chinese New Year and Abraham Lincoln through Scholastic Magazine with videos
In Fundations and Reading:

  • Worked on the sounds of /a/ (a, a-e, ai, ay)
  • Played trick word relay
  • Learned new vocabulary complain and delayed
  • Practiced dictation
  • Took our Unit 10 test
  • Read Lionel and Amelia and A Friend Like Ed. They are both stories about mice who are best friends. 
Dr. Seuss Day was today! We had a special high school student who was the sister of one of my students! :) So fun!

Check out the fun photos!

Have a great weekend! I can't believe it's March already on Monday!

-Mrs. Farrand :)