Here's a peek at our week....
In Math:
- began learning about money and coins
- identified the value of coins and examined real coins using magnifying glasses
- read Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday and The Penny Pot
- played Collect 25 and 50 cents to trade coins that equal the same value
- counted coins using the larger coin to begin
In Science:
- played Jeopardy to prepare for our insect test
- took our insect test (They all did great!)
- continued to work out sounds of oo
- took unit 15 fundations test
- read The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle
In Writing:
- practiced homework writing
- read I Wanna Iguana and wrote a persuasive letter (Look for a letter to you about a pet! :)
- wrote a persuasive piece about the best season
- wrote a special poem about our mothers
Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy the weekend! It is supposed to be beautiful!
-Mrs. Farrand :)