Friday, April 5, 2013

Peek At The Week

What a nice weather week to start April! I am waiting for even warmer spring days!

In Math, we started Unit 6 by reviewing sticker problem strategies for subtraction and addition. The students are feeling more confident with continued practice, which is awesome! We also learned a new game called Guess My Number on the 100 chart.

In Science, we wrapped up our weather unit and learned about Earth Day and how we can take care of the environment and save energy.
We also learned about tapping trees from Miss P and we got to tap a sugar maple at Memorial and collect it. They were very excited to do this!
*See Fun Photos

In Writing, we did some creative narrative pieces based on the story Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. The students were very imaginative in thinking of weather words, favorite foods, and using quotations. They got to share them with the class too, which is always great! Look for them in the backpack folders!

In Social Studies, we have started learning about India. We discussed what we knew first. It is nice that 3 students have been there before! We read India in Colors to learn some new facts. Then, the students colored a cool map of India and the surrounding countries and bodies of water. We also looked at Indian Rupees with a partner and a magnifying glass to see what we noticed. We’ll look at them again as a class on Monday.
The students were excited to begin working on their sports biographies. The project is due on Thursday, April 11th. If they finish early, they can bring them in.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your family!

-Mrs. Farrand J