Saturday, December 22, 2012

Peek At The Week

We had a great week before our official winter break!

In Math, we worked on solving different types of story problems called problems with unknown change. They are a little challenging, but the students were catching on well. We also learned a new game called Cover Up.
The students played with a partner and decided upon a certain number of chips to use. Next, they would hide some chips and their partner had to guess how many chips were hidden based on what they could see. It was a fun game!
*See Fun Photos

In Social Studies, we learned about different holidays around the world. We read about several holidays and discussed which holidays we celebrate.

In Writing, we wrote a December Senses poem. We brainstormed the five senses and then the students used them to complete the poem. They were sent home in their backpack folders.

We had a great PJ day before vacation and did some fun holiday activities.
*See Fun Photos

We also made a special gift for all of our parents! I hope you like it!

Have a wonderful holiday and vacation with your family!
I can’t believe it is almost 2013!

-Mrs. Farrand J

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Peek At The Week

The kids are definitely excited for upcoming events this month!
We had another great week of learning together.

In Math, we solved a lot of story problems for addition and subtraction. We learned to use tens and ones for adding and keeping the number whole for subtraction. They are really catching on quickly and they are able to solve problems faster, which is great!

In Science, we played Reptile Jeopardy to review for the test. It was the Snazzy Snapping Turtles against the Cool Crocodilians. It was a very close score and the students definitely studied. We took our reptile test on Wednesday and everyone did an excellent job.

This week we went to the computer lab and Mrs. Weldon taught us how to log in to the computers using a special id number and we also logged into our own gmail accounts. Then the students used Google Docs to type up a descriptive paragraph they each had written about me. Some were able to finish and bring the paragraph home today, but others still need to finish typing.  Soon they’ll learn how to share their documents with me too!
It was nice to have them practice their typing skills and getting used to logging in to use the computers. Plus, they certainly knew a lot about me! J

Have a wonderful weekend! We might even see some snow!
-Mrs. Farrand J

Friday, December 7, 2012

Peek At The Week

 What a nice way to start the week. I had a great time speaking with all of you about your child’s progress. They are all making very nice progress.

In Math, we learned a new game called Close to 20. The students had to lay out 5 cards from the deck and choose 3 cards that will get them the closest to 20. The player with the lowest score after 5 rounds wins. It was definitely the luck of the draw for some players. They had fun! We also solved number strings and took a short assessment that was sent home in their backpack folders today. We also practiced flash cards with near doubles. (ex: 5+4 or 9+8)
*See Fun Photos

In Science, we learned fun facts about lizards. We also read about lizards and salamanders. We then compared lizards and salamanders using a Venn Diagram. We learned that there are no lizards living in Burlington.
We also learned about the 5 Burlington reptiles. They are the spotted turtle, snapping turtle, water snake, garter snake, and black racer snake. We made a mini book to help us remember. We also presented our reptile reports. All the students had really interesting facts to share with the class and did a great job on their presentations.

The students took home their reptile folders today and also the study guide for the reptile test next Wednesday. Please help your child study for the test.

In Writing, we practiced writing friendly letters to our parents. Look for your child’s letter in their backpack folder today.

We had a fun time with our 5th grade buddies today. Miss C read everyone a story and then they wrote an acrostic poem about December.

Also, if you would like to order any Scholastic Books, please order by December 14th.
Have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Farrand J